Product Image Center

Here you can find our product photos, they are easily downloadable and optimized to use as a product photos on webshops. Please note that using these photos is allowed only for Honey Paw product retail purposes.

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Broods & Supers

Langstroth Deep & Medium

Langstroth Deep
Langstroth 2/3

Dadant US/Spain

Dadant US / Spain Deep
Dadant US / Spain 2/3

Dadant Blatt

Dadant Blatt
Dadant Blatt 2/3

Langstroth Ruth

Langstroth Ruth Deep
Langstroth Ruth 2/3


Standard Roof

Narrow Roof


Mesh Bottom

Honey Paw Mesh bottom with a steel grille.
Honey Paw Mesh bottom with an alloy mesh.
Honey Paw Mesh bottom with a plastic mesh.
Honey Paw Mesh bottom with a plastic mesh.

Ventilated Bottom

Ventilated Bottom with a steel grille
Ventilated Bottom with an alloy mesh
Ventilated Bottom with a plastic mesh
Ventilated Bottom

Thermal Bottom

Honey Paw lämpöpohja
Thermal bottom